Things to do in Kerala

Drink some tender coconut water.
Refresh yourself with a drink of tender coconut, nature’s energizing and rejuvenating nectar, and a few scoops of its soft white flesh, nutrition at its natural best. Good for you, Good for the environment and Good for the locals who sell them on road sides all over Kerala.

Tip toe across a coconut trunk bridge
In the interiors of Kerala, you’ll come across plenty of small water bodies with extremely narrow bridges. Watch the locals cross them with ease, but think twice before you do. If this isn't your cup of tea, don’t worry. Further down, you’ll typically find a more friendly bridge.

Take a Swig of Coconut Toddy

Ask your tour guide to arrange for fresh Maddura Kallu (sweet toddy extracted from the coconut palm) and have it the Kerala way with Karimeen Pollichathu (Baked fresh water Pearl fish) or spicy tender mango pickle.

Ride a traditional canoe
Drift along serene waterways in a country canoe, Enjoy the breeze, answer a cuckoo’s call, wave back at the cheerful village folk on the banks, invite some of their chirpy children to hop in for a ride and maybe even catch and release some small fish.

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